“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”
These words, written by the late great Dr. Seuss in his book, “Oh, The Places You”ll Go”, ring true for young and as well as old. Direction is an equally important leg in the three-legged stool of “Discovery, Direction, Decision,” that I base my life and business coaching practice upon.
When we begin our journey of discovery, the abundance of directions we can take will unfold and our choices will become clearer. The tools that I use in my coaching can help my clients to learn to step out of their “comfort zone” and let go of obstacles that are holding them back in their journey. One of the most common obstacles we often discover are the old and obsolete “life maps” that we use, to cope and simply function, in our everyday lives. As children, we create a map of “reality” that serves a purpose for that particular time in our life. As we grow and mature however, that map may no longer be an accurate picture of how to live in our present day life.
Consider a true map that we use to travel from city to city or, state to state. Through the years roads are built, rivers move, and landmarks, that may once have given us a reference point, are no longer there. If we use a map that is outdated we may very well get lost along the way. What we need is a new map with a truer picture of today’s reality. One that will give us an accurate description of the different paths that are available for us to take.
As a life coach, business coach, and master Neuro-Linguistic (NLP) practitioner, I can show you the tools that can help you create a new map and help you to build confidence to succeed in your journey. Together we can discover new roads for you to travel and enjoy life’s exciting possibilities. As Dr. Seuss so eloquently put it at the end of his book; “You’re on your own and you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go!”
If you are ready to create a new “map,” give me a call at 972-578-4746 or simply fill out the contact form at www.jodiewallace.com. Happy trails to you!
Coach Jodie